Quality Policy
Our customers’ needs and to fulfill the full and timely expectations, to prepare the product in line with our target market appropriate products for use under competitive conditions to offer to the market, quality, efficiency and flexibility at the highest reach levels and the costs outlined in our quality policy in order to decrease;
- Meeting customer needs and expectations at the highest level,
- Designing the most suitable products with customer requests and market data, continuous improvement of product quality,
- Raising awareness and training of our company employees,
- Increasing our company profits and making investments that include appropriate technology,
- Increasing the satisfaction level of our employees,
- Continuing and ensuring the continuity of quality improvement studies in a systematic and planned manner with the participation of all personnel,
- The measuring instruments we manufacture and their types meet the legal requirements,
- The measuring instruments we produce meet the type approval and official requirements,
In this context, our aim is to adopt Total Quality Management as a way of life and to fulfill its requirements in order to systematically and regularly provide quality awareness in all fields of activity and service units.
Realizing business excellence with Total Quality Management Luna Elektrik Elektronik San. ve Tic A.S. It is our duty as employees.